$75 members, $90 non-members. Mon- Tues-Wed 9AM to 2PM.
Call in for registration starting Feb. 1, 2016, registration is not available on-line.
1. Classic landscape: Negative painting of woods or forest to show depth; midground showing a swath of vegetation without detail; foreground showing depth created by color, values, detail and naturally painted rocks.
2. Corrections made easy. Use stencils, tape, x-acto knife, toothbrush. Demo: beach scene with added gulls using corrective techniques.Barn door corrected to show the farmer.
3. Optional: Create an Opaque/Transparent chart.
New Students: new students may register at any time. Please contact Barbara Schmid to check that there is availability of space in the class.
Barbara Schmid-home phone: 410-208-0219
Email: Barbaradoyleschmid8@yahoo.com
Returning Students: please register on or after the monthly open registration date noted with each month’s class date. Registration is “first come, first served”. 1 or 2 day registrations are not possible unless the class is filled.
Classes are for all levels, and absolute beginners are very welcome. We have complete rental paint kits available to new watercolor painters along with special lessons to get you started and try the medium before you invest in supplies! Each class is 3 days. Day 3 is always a “Clinic, Completion, and Technique ” day, offering time to polish and finish previous 2 days’ work, and to take advantage of private demos and lessons.