Every now and again on ShoreBread one of our “single ladies” will give you a firsthand account of their trials and tribulations navigating the shore’s single scene. We’re in favor of the romantic notion of letter writing–you remember, in the olden days before emails and Facebook, when people handwrote letters and waited weeks for a response. With that in mind, each writer will be signing off under the same penname—Single at the Shore. They are writing to you, dear readers. Feel free to comment, or share your dating stories too.

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had crazy exes that turn into lunatics after a break up. What gives? How do you handle a stalker ex that is looming around all the time? In a small town, there aren’t many options.

Option one? Write a letter. Here’s a letter that was to be directed to my man’s crazy ex-girlfriend who just can’t seem to get over him. Multiple attempts have been made to stop her stalking habits. Brad does not speak to her, she lives 15 minutes away from us, and it’s rumored that she even has a new boyfriend. Wonder what he would think he if knew Lindsay was still confessing her love for her ex/my beau. Haven’t decided if I should actually send this letter to her or not yet? What do you think?

Dear Lindsay,

Let me start by saying that I am writing this letter to straighten a few things out. I am hoping that that letter helps ease your mind, answers a few questions, and explains some things.

Currently, I am dating Brad. The same wonderful, loving, thoughtful, and amazing man you dated several months ago. Brad is everything I ever hoped and more. I thank you for breaking his heart, cheating on him, and tossing him aside. If it weren’t for your actions, I would have never met the love of my life.

I understand that you have been questioning as to whether Brad and I were seeing each other while you two were still together. Fact: I didn’t even know Brad until he moved here. That was in early February. I understand that you had just broken up in late January, but a week is enough time in between, right? I can assure you that before that time, we had only communicated via Facebook. Just friendly, random thoughts, and tips for his move to the area. Just being friendly, not trying to be malicious towards your relationship.

Brad was the one who asked me out. He asked a few times before I accepted. His persistence was cute. We had a very enjoyable first date- dinner and a movie. He is incredibly charming and such a gentleman, but I don’t have to tell you that, you already know.

Anyways, from that moment on, Brad and I were basically inseparable. We haven’t been apart since. As a matter of fact, we decided to move in together. We’ve redecorated Brad’s place, bought all new furniture (including the best bed ever), and rearranged things quite a bit. Yes, our little love nest has come along quite nicely. You wouldn’t even recognize the place if you can to visit.

About visiting… please stop. I can assure you that Brad is doing fine. You do not need to swing by the house to check in on him anymore. We are tired of finding ‘care packages’, love letters, and strange voodoo-like items on our doorstep. You obviously drive past the house often and see my car their on a daily basis. Should that be a sign that he has moved on? If you really loved him as much as you claim to in all of these notes, you wouldn’t have cheated on him and cast him aside like a piece of trash.

I read your letter about wanting to get that nice watch back from Brad. I can put it in the mail if you’d like? I think it actually makes more sense if Brad just keeps it, though. You never paid him rent the last two months while you kept all of your belongings at his place. You must have been too busy sleeping with that guy you cheated on Brad with to remember to come and claim your things. We actually donated some of the items you left here (those ‘abstract’ paintings you made, the large amount of frames that were once filled with photos of you and Brad together, and those gaudy fake floral arrangements) to the local Goodwill. They might still be there if you actually wanted them back.

You’ve always said, “No one could love Brad like you do.” It is true. You obviously didn’t love him enough. You’re right. I will never love him like you did. I will love him more than you did. I can’t imagine ‘loving’ someone the way you did. Hopefully you learn to love a little better, respect a little more, and devote yourself to one individual instead of sleeping around the entire town.

Also, please stop discussing my relationship with Brad with every bartender in town. It seems as though they all know your sob story about how I stole your boyfriend. Your story is incorrect. You should tell them about how you practically handed your boyfriend over to me because you were tired of him.

All of your efforts of looking out for Brad are appreciated, but, please stop worrying. I can guarantee that Brad is doing just fine. We are extremely happy and I know how to satisfy my man. Best of luck with whomever you meet down the road and crawl into bed with. Please love them more than you loved my Brad.



*Names have been changed for confidentiality purposes.
*The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of ShoreBread, D3Corp, or any of our partner publications. The editors, staff, and all contributing writers welcome comments and emails. Editorial discretion will be applied to emails or public comments that are deemed inappropriate in nature. We reserve the right to withhold publication of comments, or disregard emails where identities are withheld. Feel free to email info@shorebread.com with any concerns or questions.