Can Fashion save you from gaining Weight? A fantastic idea, but is it true?

Like many women I am always watching my weight and trying to eat healthy. This time of year is the kiss of death for me. I will never be one to deprive myself, but if you throw caution to the wind and go for it, you could end up gaining five pounds in one day and feel terrible about yourself for the next week.  Admit it, we’ve all been there, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

Fashion and dressing up can actually help you not go crazy during the holiday season, by keeping you in check. How? It’s only natural that the more comfortable you are, the more relaxed you feel. Then the dessert table starts calling your name, and because you are so comfortable and relaxed—you think it’s okay to eat another serving of pumpkin pie. If you dress up in that sexy dress, or wear a fitted blouse and skinny jeans, you won’t over indulge because you will become uncomfortable in what you are wearing. I have done this for years and it really works!

Stay away from the following articles of clothing during the Holiday season:

  1. Leggings—the kiss of death. They are so comfortable you think you have room in them, whereas if you opted for your skinny jeans, then you would cut yourself off a little quicker.
  1. Sweat Pants—under no circumstances should you ever lay around and eat in these. They fool you into thinking they are too big because they are baggy, so in turn you snack more. Go for a nice pair of comfortable dress pants instead.
  1. Big Sweaters or Loose Tops—they serve the same purpose as leggings. If you choose a fitted top or blouse, you will most likely not over eat due to the fact that you won’t want your stomach to pop out after you have finished off that second plate of Turkey.

I know you may think that I am making this up, but I always dress up around the holidays and drink lots of water at dinner, so that I don’t allow myself to over eat. I am enjoying myself but not taking it to the extreme. We have an entire December of celebrating with family and friends and it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and look great is all those amazing holiday outfits, (and pictures too!) Check out some perfect Thanksgiving looks in our pictures below!