Pinterest is the latest social media-style platform that involves a virtual pinboard or bulletin board.
- People use Pinterest to use virtual pinboards to plan their wedding, decorate their homes and organize their favorite recipes. About Pinterest
- Pinterest’s Mission
“Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.” - “I think for any company that has an e-commerce presence, they absolutely have to be paying attention to Pinterest,” said Rachel Tipograph, social media director at The Gap. Brands Pinning It On Pinterest
- Current statistics shown in an article from The Telegraph state that in the US 83% of users are female, but in the Britain 56% of users are male.
- Currently you do need an invitation to become a part of Pinterest, either by asking a friend who is already a member to invite you or you can request an invitation directly from Pinterest.
- Popular categories are Recipes, Home Decor & Photography
- Most Pins are photos but Videos can also be pinned
Below is an example of a Pinboard, this one is from IrieRadio, full of images of Ocean 98.1 Events, that are just waiting to be re-pinned, in other words, shared by other Pinners.
Read the full guide to Pinterest on Mashable.