The Eastern Shore is replete with historians, authors, adventurers and more. We love any chance we get to catch up with our local authors, particularly when they are experts in the paranormal! We sat down with Andy Nunez recently to pick his brain on his background, books, adventures in the paranormal, and more.
Andy, a paranormal mystery author and pure Eastern Shore native, first became interested in local mysteries when his mother told him “all the strange stories about Mt. Vernon and Somerset County” when he was little, but he really took an interest in the unusual when he entered junior high. “My cousin and I would swap books like Frank Edward’s classic Flying Saucers, Serious Business. Not long after that, the horror soap Dark Shadows came on and I was hooked on the strange and unusual,” Andy reminisced.
Over the years Andy has researched a wide array of phenomena including UFOs, Bigfoot, and a variety of cryptozoology. He has been a student of history all his life, which led to his interest in the paranormal. During his 20’s and 30’s, Andy turned his interests towards claims of reincarnation, remote viewing, and alien abductions. “While most claims have turned out to be unprovable by scientific standards,” says Andy, “I retain an open mind.” According to Andy, his most memorable ghost-hunting experience was at the Poplar Hill Mansion in Salisbury, MD, where a psychic engaged by investigators was suddenly possessed by spirits of runaway slaves and fled from them.
When he’s not authoring books, Andy is employed full-time by the state of Maryland and also edits a magazine dedicated to military simulation and history. The magazine has won four awards to date for best war-gaming magazine. Andy has also co-written two books about Wicomico County and Salisbury, as well as a vampire novel called Crimson Need. His latest book is on the Battle of Wilderness and Spotsylvania, released in May by Osprey Books, and made its Eastern Shore debut at the Cambridge Library book sale on June 14th. Some of his best-selling books include Ghosts of the Eastern Shore and Ghosts II of the Eastern Shore. “I attribute [their success] to the public’s desire for confirmation of the continuance of life beyond death,” Andy explains. As a Christian, Andy personally has never doubted that existence continues beyond the death of the body.
Happily married with a daughter, three stepsons and seven grandchildren, Andy is a lover of the Eastern Shore and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
Andy’s books are available at numerous independent booksellers as well as Furnace Town and Delmarva Discovery gift shops and on