There is a definite love-hate relationship between the general populous and the new augmented reality game, Pokémon Go. Some people think it is a waste of time. Others can’t seem to put their phones down for fear they may miss the next rare Pokémon. And still others just don’t seem to understand it. For all three types of people, let me tell you why Pokémon Go is so beloved.
First of all, Pokémon Go offers an abundance of nostalgia. Personally, I can remember being in the fourth grade, coming home, shrugging off my backpack, and turning on the TV for two half-hour episodes of Pokémon: Indigo League (the very first generation of Pokémon). On the weekends, I would play my Game Boy Pocket ® Pokémon Red® until the AAA batteries would die and I would be forced to interact with the real world once again.

With the introduction of Pokémon Go, I can be that fourth grader again. This time I don’t have homework or a list of chores that must be completed upon threat of grounding. Instead, I have my husband and kids who are equally as excited as I am to capture all 150 original Pokémon.
That brings me to my second point. Pokémon Go offers a group activity that can be incredibly positive. Let’s first address the elephant in the room.
Everyone has seen the reports of people crashing cars, walking into traffic or falling off steep slopes because they were carelessly playing Pokémon Go. I will emphatically state that this game, like similar things (i.e. texting and driving, geocaching), Pokémon Go needs to be played responsibly. Mind your surroundings and make smart decisions while playing.
That being said, Pokémon Go can be a very enjoyable family activity. It gets people outdoors. It allows you to explore your neighborhood. It even breaks the ice and fosters new friendships.
For example, my children and my husband and I were at our local Poke Gym – the public park near our home. I had just claimed the Gym for Team Blue by defeating a worthy adversary on Team Red. As we were leaving the area, we came across two gentlemen across the walking path.
“Are you by any chance playing Pokémon?” The one man asked my husband.
“We sure are. She just claimed this gym,” My husband responded gesturing to me.
“So you’re Team Blue?” The other man asked looking up from his phone. At this time, the air was thick with possible confrontation. What if this person was Team Red, and I had just defeated them? That would be awkward.
“Yes, we are,” I said in return.
Neither man said anything for a moment. Then one raised his hand for a high-five, as they were also a part of Team Blue. No other words were spoken. Smiles and nods were exchanged and my family and I left feeling victorious. While the game may seem trivial to some, being a part of a team and experiencing the pride for something as small as one of three colors can be really fun.
For businesses, the game offers a way for you to interact with your patrons. Run a special for members of the team who has claimed the nearest gym. Select a Pokémon as your establishment’s mascot and offer deals for trainers that have captured that Pokémon. It can be a fun, easy and effective marketing tool.
The last thing that makes people love Pokémon Go is the bright and shiny new augmented reality feature. Does it drain your battery like crazy? Do the servers keep crashing? Yes and yes. But is it worth it to have a hilarious screenshot of a Pikachu on the hood of your car? So much yes! It’s a small step into a new world of technology.
When a company can incorporate technological advancements, a sense of community, and memories of our childhood into one product, it is sure to make a huge impact.