Deviled Eggs With Tuna


Prepare a batch of these delicious deviled eggs and eat for lunch or a mid-afternoon snack. They also make great appetizers! Fewer egg yolks and the addition of tuna keep the fat down and the protein high.


6 large eggs, hard-boiled with shells removed
1 can (7 oz.) chunk white tuna, packed in water
1 tsp prepared Dijon mustard
2 cloves garlic
3 T lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup fresh parsley


Slice the eggs in half lengthwise and carefully discard three of the six yolks. Reserve the other three. Set egg white hollows aside. Drain the canned tuna, removing excess water by pressing it with the back of a spoon against the colander. Process the tuna, egg yolks, mustard, garlic, lime juice, salt and pepper in a food processor to a puree. Adjust seasoning. Spoon or pipe the tuna mixture into the hollowed eggs. Garnish with parsley and serve at room temperature or chilled.




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