In case you missed it, the OC Air Show returned to the skies above Ocean City this past weekend, and as in past years, the high-flying spectacular wowed crowds along the Boardwalk and beaches. We started enjoying the event late last week, as test runs soared over our office. By Saturday, locals and visitors alike were eager to attend the event, meet and greet pilots, and be wowed by the 2014 line-up of performances.
Aircraft demonstrations, low altitude flyovers, parachute team jumps and civilian aerobatic performances were all beheld this year, along with this year’s headline act, the U.S. Airforce Thunderbirds. Other crowd favorites included the U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier, the Geico Skytypers, and the U.S. Navy Parachute Team, the Leap Frogs. We spent the weekend in Ocean City partaking in all of the Air Show fun and took advantage of the opportunity to snap some photos as well. Enjoy!