It’s that time of year again when we often see a change in our skin. Dry skin can result in dull, itchy, red and sometimes flakey skin.

It is important to know the causes of dry skin in order to keep your skin healthy and hydrated this winter.

External Factors:

  • The low humidity and high heat temperatures dehydrate natural oils from our skin. Try using a humidifier in your home. This will help prevent moisture loss.
  • Avoid harsh soaps and long hot showers or baths. Lukewarm and less time is best; water dries skin out. Use “good for you” bath products to add moisture to your skin. Try adding hydrating oils to your bath. Oatmeal is great if you have sensitive and dry, itchy skin.
  • A sugar scrub will help to remove dead cell build-up so your moisturizers can penetrate better. Use soaps that have hydrating ingredients, not the typical bar soaps that strip the natural oils from your skin. Always use a good moisturizer as soon as you get out of your bath or shower to keep hydrated.
  • Use a sunscreen daily to protect from UV rays that can damage your skin. Bundle up on cold and windy days and protect your face. You will get that weathered look if not. Winter time is the best time to get a facial. This will put intense moisture back in your skin and give you a healthy glow.

Internal Factors

  • Malnutrition, hormones, diseases and medications can have a negative effect on your skin.
  • Malnutrition can be not getting omega 3 oils in your diet. Your best chance of having those in your diet are by eating fish. If you don’t like the taste, take a supplement with omega 3, flax seed oil and or evening primrose oil.
  • Hormones through the aging process can wreck havoc on your skin. Production of natural oils slows and ages our skin quickly. If this is your issue, you would benefit from supplements mentioned.
  • Certain diseases and medications will take their toll on your skin. Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

I offer free skin care consultations at Robin Walter Salon and Spa. Please feel free to take advantage of this offer and $15 off of any Facial. Make appointments Tuesday –  Friday by calling 410-208-2576.