Everywhere you look, you see purple: purple hair, nails, clothes and shoes. The Baltimore Ravens have made purple the most popular color right now and personally, I couldn’t be happier to have my favorite team win the Superbowl! Go Ravens! I’m sure that I am not the only Raven’s fan who has increased her wardrobe with the color purple. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of this increasingly popular color – aside from showing team support when you wear it? As a Feng Shui Consultant, I am always looking for the deeper meaning of things.

People who are attracted to purple can be easy to live with but hard to know, acting mysterious, secretive, passionate, sensitive and moody. Creative and unconventional people are drawn to purple. It is the combination of cool blue and hot red. It has a very strong vibration and is known as the 7th chakra. It has connections to spiritual realms, intuition, transformation and enlightenment.

Different shades of purple have somewhat different meanings. Darker shades of the hue have been worn for centuries by kings and queens, showing a sign of power, wealth, wit, wisdom and royalty—not unlike our regal Ravens! Lighter colors reveal romance, lightheartedness and nostalgic feelings.

Baltimore Ravens Fashion - Christy Stone Trala

In Feng Shui, when decorating with purple, it is always beneficial to use in the wealth area of your home. Find your wealth area easily by standing at your main entry door and looking into your home. The far back left of the house is your wealth area, as is the far left corner of that room. Use purple in this part of your home to increase wealth. This can be as simple as using an amethyst crystal or some type of purple decor to increase more positive energy in your home. A small warning: adding too many darker shades when decorating can create heavy feelings, so keep that in mind when using purple in your home.

You can really go purple by adding more fruits and vegetables of this color to your diet. These phytochemicals promote protection to your cells for anti-aging, heart, and eye health benefits. Put these foods on your grocery list: purple potatoes, cauliflower, plums, prunes, grapes, raisins, figs, cabbage, eggplant; and enjoy that glass of red wine, it’s all good!

Christy Stone Trala is a licensed Esthetician and owner of Lucky Girl Bath & Beauty. She also teaches classes and offers private consultations on Feng Shui and food healing. You can reach Christy at Robin Walter Salon in Spa (410-208-2576) in Ocean Pines, MD.