It’s the little things that are important when it is the busy time of year.  We have been on vacation the last week and although most would say that we are crazy for taking time off at a critical time of year for this resort hometown of ours, it happens to work well for us. This is how we stay balanced; nothing like recharging the batteries.  
There have been two “little things” projects that have been hanging over our heads for some time. The first was a new house number, which is a subtlety but yet means a lot to us. We chose one that is modern in design, with a raised stand to give it depth but still conveys a classic lettering style, matching well with the house.  
Something that a lot of people that live in modern houses take for granted is the ability to know if someone is at the door. Doorbells are common place on any house built after the 1970s. With the Humphreys House, that isn't so much the case.
The best part is that we received an engraved knocker from a dear friend. Kathy used to work as a Superintendent with me back in the days of the building boom.  She is a good friend who answered the call to come and help when it came time to move.  With a no nonsense attitude, she showed up with no small talk and loaded up some boxes that were packed, drove them across town to the new house then did it twice more.  We were more than grateful for the unexpected help, and as we were thanking her, she so kindly gave us a very thoughtful gift in return.
While a house number and door knocker may seem minimal in scope to the rest of the renovation, both little projects give us a sense of completion as well as helping to welcome those who walk up our front steps.