You may be wondering, what is Cellulite?  Or more importantly, why do you have it, and how do you get rid of it?

Cellulite is a toxic body condition! If you have a toxic body and colon it is carried to connective tissues where it is deposited as cellulite. A person does not have to be overweight to have it – many thin people are affected. Cellulite does not respond well to weight loss and exercise alone. The biggest contributor is poor circulation. Fat, water and waste material become trapped in your connective tissue because of inhibited blood and lymph flow.

Contributors to cellulite:

Fried food, chemically enhanced food, alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffiene, stress, toxic lifestyle, excess weight gain, increased hormonal activity, not drinking enough water and lack of exercise.

What helps:

1) Detoxify your body and cleanse internally.

2) Make better food choices. Fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Drink more water!

3) Daily exercise will increase circulation and overall health

4) Get massages for improved blood and lymph flow.

5) Contour Body Wrap for removing waste in connective tissue and stimulating inch loss.

6) Products that help with circulation like Mlis Maintain Lotion with Niacin and Lucky Girl Fresh Rosemary Spray.

The holiday party season is just around the corner, which means you not only need to look good for attending the festivities, you will probably need a way to help detox your body after.
If you would like to try a Full Body Contour Wrap for detoxifying and slimming benefits, I will be offering $15 off now until December 15th just mention the Shorebread Special when you visit with me at Robin Walter Salon & Spa. 410-208-2576