If you have even the occassional skin problem, read on. It will help to determine what kind of acne you may have, and what is causing it. That’s the first step to treating it, and having a glowing complexion again.

Diet: Is very important. The foods that you consume have a major impact on your skin. Do you consume too much dairy? This creates mucus in the body and you can become more constipated and have white spots under your skin. How is your intake of sugar? Too much artificial and natural sugars can cause Candida, an overgrowth of yeast in your colon. This will cause blotchiness and breakouts. You may also have a digestion problem; this is often reflected by congestion in your cheek area. Do you drink enough water to flush toxins out of your body and keep it well hydrated? These are just some of the many questions I might ask in a Facial Consultation.

Hormones: That lovely roller coaster of up, down and all around craziness of your mood, body and skin. This kind of Acne effects everyone at all ages from puberty to menopause. These types of breakouts are commonly seen more in women because of menstrual cycles and are most noticed in the chin and jaw line. Topical treatments will help but it is always good to have your hormones checked to see if there are imbalances.

Clogged pores: Are tiny bumps all over the face. This usually responds well to keeping your skin exfoliated and well hydrated. Dead cells build up and clog your pores. Sometimes these bumps can be on the forehead due to using a new shampoo that your skin is not used to. On the chin area it could be wheat or dairy allergies. Use quality products that don’t include pore-clogging ingredients. (You can see me for a list of good/bad ingredients to be aware of.)

Blackheads: Look like tiny black dots on your skin. Oil gets trapped in your pores where it gets oxidized by air, which turns it black. They are usually common on the nose because your nose produces more oil. These stubborn blackheads can be extracted by an Esthetician, but you will want to wash your face every night and use an exfoliant.

Whiteheads: Commonly known as zits or pimples, often start as red spots with a pustule forming a few days later. These are quite frustrating because the reason is not quite as clear why they appear. Use an acne spot treatment twice a day and see an Esthetician for a more active product or for extractions. Facials are recommended once a month to keep your skin clear of acne and keep that radiant, healthy glow.

Cysts: The most annoying acne of all. There is no hiding or covering up these dreaded breakouts and they often hurt, too. The first instinct is to squeeze, but resist; it’s a definite no-no because you will create more inflammation. Also don’t touch because your hands are loaded with bacteria. This one is going to take patience because they are deep and related to hormones. If it happens often you may need to have your hormones checked. There are herbal remedies for balancing hormones as well. (I can give you more detailed recommendations in a private consultation.)

If you would like a complimentary consultation with me, call Robin Walter Salon & Spa in Ocean Pines, Md. at 410-208-2576. A consultation can be helpful for teens or for anyone who needs help understanding causes and cures for a clearer complexion. Recommendations on diet, supplements and sample skin care products are given to each client at your visit.