Chinese culture refers to menopause as a woman’s Second Spring. It’s a part of your life where you have new challenges. The Chinese are so polite to give it such a nice name; when we feel the symptoms we likely don’t feel like it’s a “second spring.” Sometimes it can be quite annoying because of the hormone changes such as: hot flashes, weight gain, reduced sex hormones, mood swings, memory loss, insomnia, headaches, dryness and a loss of elasticity to our skin. There are some things you can do to make this new season of your life easier.

Let’s start first with your skin:

– Facials are recommended monthly to rehydrate and renew your cells. This gives you back the bounce to your skin from lack of elasticity.

– You will want to exfoliate your face and body regularly to remove the dry skin cells, this will also allow moisturizers to absorb into your skin better.

– Use a good moisturizer for your face and body daily. I prefer products with Vitamins A, C and E. You may also want to use and additional serum.

I offer a complimentary skin analysis and free samples if you need some professional advice for your skin type or product suggestions.

Now, onto diet:

There are quite a few foods you may want to begin to add to your regular diet. These foods are high in phytoestrogens. Add these foods on your grocery list: organic apples, carrots, cabbage, brown rice, fennel, beets, oatmeal and many different kinds of legumes and beans. In addition to those, add some of the biggest endocrine system enhancers like cordyceps mushrooms, goji berries, raw chocolate, ginseng, royal jelly, black sesame, soy, and maca root. A tablespoon of hemp oil on your salad is great, also.

As far as supplements, I always suggest you consult your physician first. These are my suggestions: Evening Primrose Oil and Sumacazon is amazing for hormonal support. Sumacazon is also known to help with sexual health, muscle toning, energy and anti-aging benefits.

Lastly, you should always get some cardiovascular and energy- based exercise like tai chi, qi gong and yoga.

Next week I will post tips for the help of a more restful sleep.

If you wish to have a complimentary consultation with me you can make an appointment at Robin Walter Salon & Spa 410-208-2576. You can find Sumacazon and other products by emailing

I hope your Second Spring will be a pleasant one!