Looking back on my life, I’ve realized there are things I thought I wanted but once I got them, it turns out I really did not want or need them. My mantra was whatever I want…wants me too. I remember some of the material things I thought I wanted exactly: an iPod, a Kindle and even a metal detector. Yep, had to have them…or so I thought. They were all given to me as gifts because I put those wishes out into the world. To this day, I am embarrassed to say I have not touched any of them; they are still in the box they came in. Obviously I needed to redefine my little wishes and focus on the big ones.

My new mantra is: I am open to all that needs to come to me for the higher good. Meeting the right people, being in the right place at the right time, and being open to signs that are leading me to the right path I need to be on. Now, with that being said, I know sometimes in life things can happen that totally throw you for a loop. Things that are not what you are expecting or wanting. But the silver lining is those experiences make you stronger and you really do learn through the process. You have no control over those things happening to you.

I became a Feng Shui consultant because I did want a little more control over creating a better life. It taught me how to create a more positive environment and to focus on the things that are really important. This ancient art is not voodoo or mysticism, it’s setting positive intentions so that your karma works with you not against you. Some people create more problems on their own than is necessary. Self-sabotaging yourself before you even try is the worst. You can if you think you can and won’t if you don’t try. It’s that simple!

Creating a peaceful and a good energy in your home or office can make a big difference. Part of the process is setting your true intentions while doing so. You’ve heard of athletes visualizing winning and when they were interviewed they would say, “I knew I was going to win. I saw it and felt it.” That is the power of intention. If you have a hard time with your intentions just start by writing your goals.

In a Feng Shui Consultation your home covers every aspect of your life: health, wealth, relationships, and so on. There are 9 parts of your home that are directly related to your life. We would discuss all areas. They are based on the bagua, a very popular part of the Chinese culture. It is over 5,000 years old and continues to be more apparent. Once you learn it, you will be amazed at how it really is just the application of common sense and you intuitively know more than you give yourself credit for.

I have had some really good opportunities come my way pretty quickly when I’ve practiced Feng Shui. For an example, last week I was in a bit of a funk. I started to reorganize things in my home and get rid of things that no longer served a purpose. This is huge in Feng Shui. When you get rid of things that weigh you down you open yourself up to new opportunities. Immediately—call it karma or luck—but just a few days after I had some pretty incredible things happen.

I was walking past a bookshelf I’ve passed over 100 times in the lobby where I get my mail. I have never even looked at a book on that shelf. Almost like a radar beam, my eyes focused on this one particular book. I felt so drawn to it that I just grabbed it and opened it up to a page. I was stunned because on this page was an answer to something that had been of question to me. Then, in the days to follow people showed up out of the blue—some I just met, some I hadn’t seen or talked to in a long time—and each of them, without me even asking gave information that I so much needed to hear. That’s the essence of Feng Shui, the power of positive thinking, or whatever you want to call it; it works! Be open minded to information and opportunities; when you are in a more positive place you draw them to yourself even more.

If you would like to learn how to create a positive Feng Shui environment in your home and focus on creating good karma, have a private consultation or a Feng Shui Party. I have been certified in Feng Shui since1999 and would love to share this valuable information with you. You can contact me by email luckygirlchristy@comcast.net I wish you all good things that need to come your way!