Lifestyle choices such as diet and reaction to stress play a major role in how our bodies feel. Our bodies need to be in balance to experience good health. The pH environment of your body is measured on scale of 0 to 14. If your body is 7.0 it is considered alkaline and below that, it is acidic. Ideally we want to be in the 6.8 to 7.5 range. If you are not sure what your pH is, there are strips for pH testing. It’s as simple as a pregnancy test. Your morning urine before a meal will give you an accurate reading. You can purchase these at a health food store or online.

If your body’s environment is out of whack your cells cannot receive nourishment and release waste properly. You will notice distress on your body by experiencing heartburn, inflammation, circulation and skin problems. It can lead to irritable bowel and your immune function can be weakened. An over acidic body can have symptoms of weight gain, gas, bloating, mental fatigue and candida from an overgrowth of yeast. That can also create vaginal infections, toe and nail fungus and a coated tongue. Now that doesn’t sound too pretty does it? No worries. You can change your pH by changing your diet.

These foods will help you have a more alkaline body:

  • Vegetables (all)
  • Greens (all kinds)
  • Wheatgrass
  • Sprouts

It’s that simple. If you don’t have time to eat these foods everyday throughout the day, make a green smoothie and take it with you.

These simple suggestions will also help your body improve:

  • Exercise to increase circulation and reduce stress. The hormone cortisol from stress wrecks havoc on your inner balance. More exercise = more peace.
  • Alcohol, drugs and cigarettes create a more acidic environment. If you want to feel better you know you need to reduce intake of the bad guys.
  • Any foods not plant based can make acid levels skyrocket. Keep your body a happy wonderland and you will look and feel better!

If you would like to learn more about healthy-eating-active-lifestyle, you can take my H.E.A.L. Yourself class on June 22nd at Sunset Grille. This class will teach you how to look and feel better naturally with food and simple self-help techniques that can make a dramatic change in your body. To RSVP call 410-251-6977 (Sunset Grille cannot take your reservation for this event).

For more information go to or find H.E.A.L. Yourself Now on facebook. A goal to feeling better is just a wish without a plan. This is your map to good health!