With fall approaching and kids going back to school, it’s important to keep ourselves healthy to prevent germ-related illnesses.

This is a simple to do list to keep your immune system in peak condition:

Get moderate exercise and walk daily to improve blood circulation. Activity helps T-cells protect against bacteria.

​* Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and flush toxins out. Drink a good detox tea and green tea, often.

​* Eat protein with every meal. Lean meat and nuts are a good source, and protein helps fight off germs.

​* Some people need more Zinc. Oysters are an excellent source.

​* Up your intake of Omega 3’s in your diet. Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna contain the highest amounts.

​* Selenium is important and can be obtained easily from eating seafood, Brazilian nuts and cottage cheese.

​* Eat all the colors of the rainbow. Fresh fruits, vegetables and salads should be part of your diet every day for essential nutrients.

​* Hot foods can help to break down mucus if you feel congested. Try peppers, hot mustard, onion, garlic and radishes. For inflammation – ginger and turmeric are good choices. These spices are great to add to healthy soups.

​* Add supplements or foods that are high in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. These all support the immune system.

​* Get outdoors and open windows regularly to let in fresh air in. The best source of vitamin D comes from the sun. Try to get outdoors at least 30 minutes daily. It’s best if you can get out at 8 am and 4 pm. These times are very balancing for your body.

​* Get plenty of rest. This is how our bodies repair and rejuvenate.

​* Keep sweet treats out of the house because too much sugar suppresses the immune system.

​* Personally, my favorite ways to keep healthy in addition to these tips is to drink Rainforest Detox Tea, take Illumination and Zamu. These are organic supplements for good health and immune support. You can find these at christy.amazonherb.net if you’d like to learn more.

Here’s to a healthy you this fall!

If you would like a complimentary consultation you can find me at Robin Walter Salon and Spa in Ocean Pines, MD. Call 410-208-2576 and ask for Christy.