What does Christmas mean to you?

Buddy the Elf posits that “the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing for all to hear.” That certainly is a start, but it got us thinking, what is the most effective way to spread holiday cheer? Shopping lines, hours of wrapping gifts, digging out old family recipes, finding the exact type of whiskey that Uncle Melvin drinks, keeping the kids at bay for just a few minutes so you can hide their gifts in yet another secret spot, spoiled eggnog, traffic, cats climbing the Christmas tree, your mother-in-law passive aggressively commenting on your cooking style, your own mother not-so-passive-aggressively defending you…the list of Christmas grievances and anxieties can be a long one, particularly since we have been entrenched in the “holiday spirit” since the moment we took off our Halloween costumes. AND YET, amongst the headaches and hollering, we manage (each and every year) to find joy during the holiday season. Whether it comes in the form of your children’s laughter and excitement on Christmas morning, from finally securing the perfect present for a loved one, or from having the foresight to spend your Christmas in the Caribbean – holiday cheer comes in all forms.

Maybe Buddy the Elf is right, spreading holiday cheer is as simple as singing loud enough for all to hear. But that doesn’t mean you have to sing (lord knows some of us should never sing), it simply means that instead of complaining about the holidays over the next few days, be grateful for another Christmas season with loved ones. The holidays don’t have to be perfect, but you know what, they will soon be over. Find your own form of holiday cheer, enjoy it and share it with others. There is no right or wrong, simply have a happy holiday.

So what do Christmas mean to you? Is it about family? Friends? Christmas movies? Food? This year, we challenge you to stop, take a moment, and think about what Christmas truly means to you. Find something that brings you joy during the holiday season, hold it tight, and be thankful for it. Christmas is here whether you are prepared for it or not, so let go of the stress, anxiety and work and have fun. Christmas means a little something different to each of us, find what Christmas means to you.

From our ShoreBread family to yours, we wish you the happiest of holidays. Merry Christmas!!